MsS: So about this "force" thing....

Thursday, May 19, 2005

So about this "force" thing....

Well, I think that I'm the only person who didn't see Star Wars last night. I don't know, but those kinds of movies have never appealed to me much. I've only seen the 1st one, when it was rerelased in theaters a few years ago. I think I went with my friend Karen. It was cool I guess, but I didn't see what the big whoop was all about. Different strokes. Curtis is threatening to tie me down and make me watch all of the Star Wars movies. I told him that I would cry. It's just not for me. I'll take an 80s high school movie with Molly Ringwald over Storm Troopers and half naked princesses any day.

So on to the music.

Loose Record is giving away some New Order stuff. Go check it out if you're a fan.

Copy, Right? always has a great selection of covers. Liza recently posted Sufjan Steven's cover of R.E.M.'s The One I Love. During the 4.5 years I spent going to school at UGA in Athens, you'd think that I would've seen Michael Stipe around town AT LEAST once. But I never did. I mean, sure I didn't go out that much, and only really went downtown for shows or to go to Wuxtry, School Kids, Low Low Yo, or Cookies & Company (now Cookies Cafe) but still! It wouldn't matter to me so much if everyone else in town hadn't seen him walking around some where. The funny thing about people in Athens, is that everyone has a "The first time I saw Michael Stipe," story. How is it that so many people have seen him more than once, and I've never spotted him at all? I think I missed my best chance when I was at the 40 Watt for Coheed. Someone said that Michael had peaked his head in to see who was playing, and then left. He probably wasn't there for very long, but if I had only turned around, maybe I would have gotten a glimpse. Oh well.

If you pray, pray for Kylie Minogue. On Tuesday, she announced that she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She's having surgery later on this week. I recently bought Body Language, mostly because I couldn't get Red Blooded Woman out of my head. I'm sure she'll be fine, but it wouldn't hurt to keep her in your thoughts.


Blogger Mutant Genius said...

I've met Michael Stipe TWICE and I didn't even live in Athens.. hehe

10:11 PM  
Blogger S.M.T. said...

See...then you too would have a "The first time I saw Michael Stipe," story. You suck! :p

10:18 PM  
Blogger Mutant Genius said...

And my story is a good one too. He made fun of where I lived at the time.

10:29 PM  
Blogger S.M.T. said...

Just keep rubbing it in why don't ya :P

12:12 AM  

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