MsS: Not Even Jail

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Not Even Jail

Today, rapper Lil' Kim a.k.a. Kimberly Jones was sentenced to a year and a day in prison and fined $50,000 for lying to a federal grand jury to protect friends who were involved in a 2001 shooting in front of a New York radio station. That's a pretty serious crime, but I didn't really think they'd give her jail time for it. I mean, she is a celebrity and all, so I thought she'd just get probation and a large fine. I wonder if she's surprised by the sentence. But perhaps the judge wanted to make an example out of her. However, Kim got off pretty easy, because she faced up to 20 years in prison, and if she wasn't famous, she probably would've gotten more. Hopefully the time will go by quickly for her. More on the sentencing here.

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You'd be surprised how many song titles mention prison. Here are a few.

Beauty Pill- Prison Song
Johnny Cash- Folsom Prison Blues
Loretta Lynn- Women's Prison
The Postal Service- This Place is a Prison

In other news, last night both VH1 and BET showed the entire 5 chapters of R Kelly's mini soap opera Trapped in the Closet. I watched all five chapters on Monday afternoon online, but watched them again anyway when they were on tv. Chapters 6 through 10 are on their way. The story that plays out is just craziness, but definitely entertaining. It will be interesting to see what R Kelly has planned next. Looks like he's going to go on with this for awhile so be warned. If you haven't seen any chapters of the Trapped in the Closet series, you can watch them on MTV Overdrive.

One of my myspace friends (gosh, I sound like a dork huh?) posted a link to Super Fantastic Clothing yesterday and I totally want this shirt:

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Seth Cohen is the new Zach Morris

Do yourself a favor and head on over to My Old Kentucky Blog. If you're not visiting this site at least once a day, something is seriously wrong with you. Yesterday, Dodge posted a slew of Decemberists covers and they're just amazing. There are even a couple of Moz covers, so go check them out.

Yeah ok, I think that's all I had to talk about today


Blogger evan said...

A year, eh? sounds like just enough time for some producers to make some good beds and get teh guest spots on wax before she gets out and makes a comeback album.

7:25 PM  
Blogger Dodge said...

great post...loves it.

11:24 PM  
Blogger S.M.T. said...

Just think, she can have her own reality tv show when she gets out!

11:57 AM  
Blogger S.M.T. said...

Thanks Dodge :)

11:58 AM  

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