MsS: We got a lot in common, not a big deal.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

We got a lot in common, not a big deal.

You guys know how much I LOVE M.I.A. Clearly, I am not the only one. Over the weekend, I came across Aziz Ansari's myspace page (he's a total riot) and I found a download to a stand up piece he did about meeting M.I.A. It's pretty funny. It's from all the way back in February (so maybe you've already seen it), but it's still funny. You can download it from Aziz's myspace profile here, or download it from here.

The whole routine is about how he met M.I.A. after a show at the Knitting Factory, and how the meeting didn't go quite the way he would've liked. So he gives three different scenarios of what he wish had happened instead.


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